10+ Interview Questions Multiple Choice 14 - Easy to Extremely Difficult


This Course contains 1 set(s) of Interview Practice Question(s) and a total of 31 question(s). The total time required for this Course, taking each test just once, should not exceed 1 hour(s) and 5 minutes.

This Course will be available for 60 days from the date of purchase.

We hope your children will enjoy these sets of Practice Interview Questions.

All the questions are real questions in that they have all been asked at interviews at leading independent or academically selective state schools over the last few years. As they work through the questions they will learn a little more about themselves and what they think and they will grow in confidence and be able to perform better at their interview.

Each set of questions starts with a guide to interview preparation which your children are very much encouraged to read carefully and regularly.

Your children are encouraged to work through the questions with you, or to discuss their thoughts and ideas with you, if at all possible as there are no right or wrong answers. What is wanted is lively, thoughtful and reasoned answers.

At the end of the guide there are links to other resources to help your children prepare for their interview. In particular, there are links to one academic independent day school’s videos of their interview process. Many children have found these videos extremely useful.

All the sets of questions are reviewed each year to ensure that they remain up to date and relevant for the current academic year.

We wish your children every success in their efforts to do well at interview!